New Members
What is NMERB?
The New Mexico Educational Retirement Board (NMERB) provides retirement income and benefits to New Mexico educational employees.
In 1925, the New Mexico Legislature passed a bill that created the state’s first pension plan for public servants. Today’s New Mexico Educational Retirement Board (NMERB), a descendant of that landmark legislation, manages a multi-billion dollar portfolio, serving approximately 60,000 active members, 51,000 inactive members and
50,000 retirees.
The NMERB provides secure retirement benefits to active and retired employees of New Mexico public schools, institutions of higher learning and certain employees at state agencies who work in educational programs.
Questions and Answers:
As an educational employee, do I have to contribute to NMERB?
Yes, membership in the NMERB plan is a condition of employment.
Who qualifies as a member of NMERB?
You are an active NMERB member when you work more than 25 percent of a Full Time Equivalent (.25 FTE) for any New Mexico public school (including charters), universities, junior, colleges, technical vocational schools, and some state agencies that provide an educational program.
What does it mean to be a member?
You contribute a percentage of your salary to NMERB, and your employer makes contributions to NMERB too. NMERB invests this money for your retirement. Upon retirement, you will receive a retirement benefit for life based upon your years of service, your average annual salary and a pension factor set by law.NMERB also provides disability benefits to eligible members.
You automatically become a member of the NMERB plan when you begin employment with any entity covered by NMERB. Employees covered under the NMERB plan are referred to as “members”.
How much do I contribute to NMERB?
As a member earning $24,000 or less you contribute 7.9% of your salary to NMERB. As a member earning over $24,000, you contribute 10.70% of your salary to NMERB.
Please refer to the Contribution Rate Schedule on the Reference Tables page.
Keep Your Information Current:
Mailing Address
- Please inform NMERB in writing of any address change to receive important communications, such as your annual 1099-R Income Tax form.
- To update your address, you must complete and mail to NMERB a Change in NMERB Records Form found on the Forms page of this website.
Name Changes
NMERB requires notification in writing when you change your name.
- Complete the Change in NMERB Records Form found on the Forms page of this website.
- The written notice must contain both the last four digits of your Social Security number and your signature.
- You must also include a copy of a court order or marriage license that authorizes your name change.
- If you are working for an NMERB employer (otherwise known as a “Local Administrative Unit” or “LAU”) when your name changes, you must officially change your name in your employer’s records to ensure that your employer’s records and NMERB’s records match.
Beneficiary Designation
- You should review your beneficiary designation when significant life events occur such as:
- marriage,
- divorce,
- birth,
- adoption, or
- death of a spouse or designated beneficiary
- A divorce, annulment, or any dissolution or declaration of invalidity of your marriage WILL NOT automatically revoke your former spouse as beneficiary unless you revoke the designation by submitting a new form.
- Accessing your contributions

Managing the retirement assets of New Mexico Educators since 1957.
Business Information
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mailing Address
PO Box 26129
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Santa Fe & Albuquerque
Call Center
Santa Fe & Albuquerque Fax
Santa Fe
701 Camino de los Marquez
Santa Fe, NM 87505
8500 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite B-450
Albuquerque, NM 87112