By Renee Garcia, Communications Director
The only constant in life is change”– Heraclitus
Exciting changes have come to ERB, beginning with our new phone system! We’ve streamlined things to make it easier than ever to reach us. Members can say goodbye to multiple numbers and hello to one local number, one toll-free number, and one fax number.
To ensure uninterrupted communication, please update our contact information with the new numbers:
Local: 505-585-3510 | Toll-Free: 1-800-663-1919 | Fax: 1-866-463-9221
We are also enhancing our member services experience by upgrading to a new webinar platform. This update will expand accessibility for members, allowing more of you to participate in our informative sessions. Every month we offer a webinar for members discussing different stages of your career journey. You can register for upcoming webinars on the Webinars & Presentations page of the ERB website. Read more about the ERB on the Virtual Road changes article in the August 2024 ERB Connect.
Additionally, we’ve updated the Return-to-Work program rules. Retired members interested in returning to work are encouraged to review the revised guidelines before applying. Updates have also been made to the policy for our Local Administrative Units administering the Return-to-Work programs in the schools. Guidance for these new policies can be found on the Employer Notices pageof the website.
Returning to Work after Retirement Resources
Information on the Return to Work programs can be found here: Returning to Work after Retirement
Information on the recent rule changes to the Return-to-Work programs can be found here:
2.82.5 NMAC – Retirement Benefits